Competition Submission

Global Student Innovation Challenge

Call for gSIC2024

What is Global Student Innovation Challenge (gSIC)?

The Global Student Innovation Challenge (gSIC) is an annual event held at i-CREATe. It provides a platform to encourage students from all over the world to compete with one another in developing creative and innovative devices or solutions to improve the quality of living of elderly and people with disability, and to improve the quality of professional practice in rehabilitation. It showcases the extraordinary talents of these students while providing them the opportunity to work with clients and clinicians to develop  these innovative ideas.

Design Category

Students are expected to apply User-Centered Design process to produce a solution that “make life easier” for its users or enhance the user experience or improves the quality of professional rehabilitation practice. The solution should focus on whether its creativity can solve some inconvenience in the life of patients with functional disorders.

Technology Category

Students are expected to apply principles in Engineering and Information Technology to design and implement Assistive & Rehabilitation Technology solution to address the issues/problems faced by the needy, their caregivers and clinicians. The solution must have engineering or technological component(s).

Competition Requirements

1. This challenge is open to senior high school, post-secondary education, undergraduates and postgraduates of any discipline.

2. There is no limit to the number of teams that may compete from any given academic institution and collaborations between institutions are allowed. Each team consists of up  to 5 members.

3. Entries submitted should not exceed two years of development. All participants must provide proof that they are students at the time of work for the challenge was conducted.

4. Successful teams must bring their prototypes for the presentation. Large prototypes that are not transportable will be taken into consideration during the judging. In case of this, the movie or such kind of visual material may assist your team.

5. Selected entries will be notified by emails and are required to register for i-CREATe 2024.

Entry guide

1. Teams should send the gSCI entry form (entry template) to

2. Judges will evaluate the submitted applications and select some of the eligible ones to advance to the gSCI2024 finals.

3. Finalist teams are required to bring an A1 size poster(poster template) to describe their design and idea in general.The prototype or video material should be presented to the judges on site together with the poster.

4. There are 2 rounds of judging:oral presentation and prototype demonstration.

         Oral Presentation:A 5-minute oral presentation on key idea(s) of the project,followed by a 5-minute Q&A

         Prototype Demonstration:A 5-minute demonstration of prototype,followed by a 5-minute Q&A


1. The judges will select the top three teams as well as two teams that deserve merit in each category. Gold Award: Prize 1,500 USD, Silver Award: Prize 1000 USD, Bronze Award: Prize with 500 USD.

2. Merit Awards: A trophy and certificates for all members.

3. The winning results will be announced at a gala dinner at i-CRE ATe2024.

Important Dates                                                                                            

Closing Date for Submission: 31 May 2024

Notification Date of Acceptance: 30 June 2024

Date of the Competition: 23 August 2024

Website : 

Entry/Secretary Email: